Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Is it just me or is everyone seems to lost their ability to give functional opinion/advice? What happened was that I was dumbfounded between two choices so naturally, I will ask for opinions from my friends. Yes they gave me sound advice but to my surprise, all of them will say, "In the end, it all depends on what you want"... or similar context. It is like you have to choose between apple and orange; you ask them to help you to choose one and they tell you all of their merits and demerits: one is sweet and the other sour, one is red and the other orange etc etc... But in the end of it, they tell you to choose which one you like best. YEAH... thanks for helping. It is because I cannot choose one that I like best that I ask you for help. When all saliva are wasted, it is back to square one... >_<

Objectivity is too overrated...

I guess sometime, you need subjective opinion to make a decision. Otherwise, you will forever stuck in the middle ground do not know which path to take. However I want to make it clear that I really appreciate all the advice and opinion my friends had given me. It is just that I feel they are a littttttle bit too objective. So next time if you ask me for opinions, I will choose a side and use all of my power to convert you into my thinking. Nyeknyeknyekkk...

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